Gravon, das Spielerparadies Deutsche Version
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Stratego-Logo StraDev Logo

Usage :: Loading/Saving setups :: Original game rules :: ISF more squares rule :: Additional options
Statistics :: StraDoS2 :: Battle results :: Player vs. player :: X-Files
Classic Stratego rating/ranking :: Classic Stratego challenge rating/ranking 2024 :: Personal challenge ranking statistics
Barrage Stratego rating/ranking :: Duell Stratego rating/ranking :: UL Stratego rating/ranking

Observed winning expactancy vs. opponent's rating, Kleier's rating

(x: Rating, 800-1800; y: winning expactancy, 0-1)
Red: Unfiltered, classes a 40 rating points
Blue/green: GAUSS filtered, sigma = 39
Gray: ELO's expected winning probability based on calculated Kleier rating
Observed winning expactancy vs. opponent's rating, WSC rating

Here again:
Gray: ELO's expected winning probability based on calculated WSC rating

Number of games vs. rating of opponents
The bars show the number of games played against opponents of a particular rating range, from 800 to 2000 in steps of 40 points

Statistics for cortez

Last update (MEST): 2023-05-29 21:58

TimeOpponentOpponents rating (Kleier)Rating difference (Kleier)Opponents rating (WSC)Rating difference (WSC)Result
2004-07-26 23:08mailman1005+2991386-17win
2004-10-07 17:08Highlander1146+4401659+256loss
2005-06-20 21:48bolivar1498+7911818+415loss
2005-06-20 22:18kentinator1288+5821494+91win

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